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Jan 31, 2009

Mengapa oh Mengapa??


Mengapa seseorang Yahudi dibolehkan menyimpan janggut untuk mengamalkan kepercayaannya...

...tetapi bila seorang Muslim berbuat demikian, dia dianggap ekstrim dan pengganas?

Mengapa seseorang rahib boleh meliputi keseluruhan tubuhnya kerana memperhambakan diri kepada Tuhannya...

...tetapi bila seseorang Muslimah melakukan begitu, dia ditekan?

Mengapa bila wanita barat menjadi surirumah,

dia dihormati kerana dikatakan berkorban untuk keluarganya...

...tetapi bila wanita Islam berbuat begitu, mereka kata, "dia mesti dibebaskan!"

Mengapa mana-mana gadis boleh ke universiti dengan berpakaian mengikut kesukaannya kerana punyai hak dan kebebasan...

...tetapi bila seseorang wanita Muslim memakai hijab, dia tidak boleh menjejakkan kakinya ke universiti?

Mengapa bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati sesuatu bidang, dia dikatakan punyai bakat...  

...tetapi bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati Islam, dia dikatakan tak berguna?

Mengapa bila seseorang Kristian atau Yahudi membunuh, agamanya tidak dikaitkan... tetapi baru sahaja seseorang Muslim didakwa melakukan jenayah, nama Islam turut diadili!

Mengapa bila seseorang berkorban diri untuk melihat orang lain hidup, dia amat disanjungi...

...tetapi bila seseorang warga Palestin melakukannya untuk menyelamatkan diri, keluarga, rumahtangga dan masjidnya,

dia dikenali sebagai seorang pengganas?

Mengapa bila seseorang memandu kereta mewah dengan cara bahaya, keretanya tidak pernah dipertikaikan...

...tetapi bila seseorang Muslim melakukan kesalahan, orang kata ia adalah kerana agama Islamnya!

Mengapa kita terlalu percaya kepada surat kabar....

...tetapi selalu persoalkan apa yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quranul Karim?

Sampaikan jika berasakan ia baik untuk sahabat anda!

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Jan 21, 2009

Donkey in the Well

Donkey in the Well

There once was a little donkey that worked on a very large farm. This donkey was a very hard worker, and was very much appreciated by his master who knew he could count on him do any manner of odd jobs and farm duties.

One day while hard at work, this donkey fell into a deep pit that the farmer had been digging to use as a well. The donkey cried and cried, and the farmer frantically tried to figure out a way to get the donkey out of the deep hole. However the sides were just too unstable to lower someone down with a rope to tie around the donkey, and as the donkey was panicky and thrashing about, the farmer had the additional concern of one of his farm hands being injured and stuck down the hole too.

Finally, with a heavy heart, the farmer decided it was best to bury the donkey and put it out of its misery. So he and several of his farm hands started shoveling dirt back into the pit.

However, after a few minutes of shoveling, the farmer noticed something. The donkey was shaking off the dirt and stomping it into the ground below him. As it dawned on the farmer what was happening, he called the rest of his farm hands to help shovel, and shovel-full after shovel-full of dirt, the donkey stomped it into the ground making the hole shallower by the minute. Soon the well became nearly filled with dirt and the donkey climbed out to the great relief of the farmer and his workers.

The story of the donkey in the well is timeless, and has circulated the internet more than I can even count. Its message is enduring, for many of us, too, have found ourselves stuck in a situation where we just didn’t know how we’d get through. The metaphorical dirt was poured over our heads, and we either got buried by our problems with no hope of rescue, or we shook the dirt from us and pounded it into the ground to rise victorious.

We always have the choice to be victim or victor. So next time it feels as if you are in that well with no chance of being freed, think of the little donkey who refused to accept that his circumstances were beyond his control; he didn’t give up and he didn’t give in, and you don’t have to either!

Source: BellaOnline

Jan 18, 2009

Interview Bersama Ustaz Aqil Hayy

Credits: Islamicevents.sg

Jan 10, 2009

The Difference Between Their Prayers Is Like The Difference Between The Earth And The Heaven

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله حمدا كثيرا طيبا مباركا فيه

والصلاة والسلام علي أشرف الأنبياء و المرسلين

Assalaamu'alaikum warah matullahi wabarakatuh

Untuk melembutkan hati kita.......menitis ayer mata memandangkan kebesaran Allah yg Maha Pengasih, Maha Penyayang & Maha Pengampun

Dengarkan lah bacaan Al fatihah dan Surah Ibrahim Ayat 28 hingga ayat 52


Tafsir surah Ibrahim Ayat 28 - ayat 52


It is difficult to put the image of the "Qur'an"
or the image of "loving Allah" in front of such hearts,
which are full of these images and many other images as well.

Only one thing can do this; it is
Qiyam Al-Layl.

It makes the mirror and the image identical.

The Difference Between Their Prayers Is Like The Difference Between The Earth And The Heaven

The influence of Qiyam Al-Layl on the heart is limitless.

It makes you feel what others do not feel, and perceive what others do not perceive.

Thus, you may find a person crying heartily when he prays or when he hears the sound of Al-Adhaan (call to prayers) echoing in the sky.

Now he hears and sees with his observant heart. Ibn El Qyem said, "Two men
may stand in the same row, t
heir feet are next to each other, behind the same
(the one who leads Muslims in prayers), and they hear the same verses
of the Qur'an

Yet the difference between their prayers is like the difference between earth and heaven."

What makes this great difference?

Indeed, it is the image in front of their hearts.

My dear Brothers & Sisters in Islam, if you want to have only one image in front of your heart

- the image of "loving Allah"-

then you have to adhere to Qiyam Al-Layl while people are sleeping.

A Youth Who Restored The Time Of Al-Sahaba (The companions of the Prophet (PBUH)):

Last Ramadan, I was praying Al-Tahajjud (Night Prayer in Ramadan) next to a youth.

Once the Imam started the prayer saying "Allahu Akbar", I heard this youth crying heartily.

I was very astonished, since the Imam had not started reciting verses from the Qur'an yet!

After finishing the prayer, I requested from him not to be angry with me, and to tell me the reason of his crying even before the Imam
started recitation.

He surprised me by saying, "When I said "Allahu Akbar" - with my tongue - I felt very afraid to be a hypocrite, who is saying it with his tongue, while he does not sincerely believe it in his heart!"

Some of us have the same feelings of this person.

Therefore, let us love Allah the way this
sincere youth loves Him.

For those who lived in this world without tasting the most beautiful thing in it, which is yearning for Allah, adhere to Qiyam Al-Layl.

Jazakallahu khayran: Akhi Mfahim Ali

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