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Dec 22, 2008

Ajaibnya Keadaan Seorang Mukmin

Foto ihsan xanumax


“Tiap-tiap yang berjiwa akan merasakan mati. Kami akan menguji kalian dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cobaan (yang sebenar-benarnya). Dan hanya kepada Kamilah kamu dikembalikan.” Surat Al Anbiya` (35).

Pada ayat diatas Allah Ta`ala memberitakan bahwa selama kita masih hidup di dunia, pasti akan menemui tiga perkara yang sudah menjadi sunnatullah (ketetapan Allah), yaitu:

1. Mati

2 Diuji dengan keburukan

3 Diuji dengan kebaikan

Sebelum sunnatullah yang dalam bentuk kematian datang memutus kehidupan seseorang didunia, maka ia akan terus ditimpa oleh dua sunnatullah yang lainnya secara silih berganti, yaitu ujian dalam betuk kebaikan dan ujian dalam bentuk keburukan (musibah).

Alhamdulillah, kita diwarisi oleh Rasulullah Shalallahu `Alayhi wa Sallam Al Qur`an dan Assunnah sebagai sebagai pedoman hidup. Dimana dua pedoman hidup tersebut disusun langsung oleh sang pencipta kehidupan itu sendiri dan Dzat yang paling mengerti seluk beluk dan rahasia kehidupan yakni Allah Ta`ala melalui utusanNya Nabi Muhammad Shalallahu `Alayhi wa Sallam.

Diantara kandungan Al Qur`an dan Assuunnah ini, terdapat sebuah pedoman yang akan membimbing siapapun orang yang mengimani keduanya (kaum mukminin) agar dalam setiap sunnatullah (musibah dan kesenangan) tersebut selalu dalam keadaan beruntung (berpahala).

Dengan kata lain selama ia masih hidup di dunia ini, maka ia akan selalu beruntung baik ketika berhadapan dengan musibah atau dengan kesenangan. Oleh karena itu kita perlu mempelajari kembali Alqur`an dan Assunnah dalam masalah ini, agar kita dapat menyikapi setiap ujian-ujian tersebut dengan sikap yang tepat.

Suatu ketika Rasulullah Shalallahu `Alayhi wa Sallam pernah mengungkapkan kekagumannya terhadap keadaan kaum mukminin. Sebagaimana yang ditegaskan oleh beliau Shallallahu `Alalyhi Wasallam dalam sabdanya:

”Sungguh mengherankan perkara orang mukmin itu, sesungguhnya seluruh perkaranya adalah baik baginya. Dan hal itu tidak dimiliki oleh siapapun kecuali orang mukmin. Jika dia diberi sesuatu yang menggembirakan dia bersyukur, maka ia menjadi baik baginya. Dan apabila ia ditimpa suatu madharat, ia bersikap sabar, maka itu menjadi baik baginya.”(HR.Muslim)

Dalam hadits diatas, Rasulullah Shalallahu `alayhi wasallam memberitakan bahwa bagi seorang mukmin, baik didalam kesenangan maupun musibah, tetap ada peluang untuk beruntung (berpahala).

1.Ujian dalam bentuk kebaikan.

Dalam ujian model ini ada kewajiban bagi seorang mukmin padanya, yaitu bersyukur. Dengan memanfaatkan segala kenikmatan tersebut untuk ketaatan kepada Allah sehingga dengan sikap syukur atas kenikamatan itu, menjadikan ia akan semakin dekat dengan Allah dan inilah orang yang beruntung dalam ujian jenis ini.

Namun ada pula orang yang gagal dalam ujian jenis ini, yaitu orang yang dengan ujian ini justru semakin jauh dari Allah, yaitu ketika nikmat yang Allah berikan tersebut malah ia gunakan untuk durhaka dan maksiat kepada Allah, sehigga dengan nikmat tersebut ia justru semakin jauh dari Allah. Allah Ta`ala berfirman dalam surat Ibrahim (7):

"Dan (ingatlah juga), tatkala Tuhanmu memaklumkan; “Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, pasti Kami akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka sesungguhnya azab-Ku sangat pedih”.

2.Ujian dalam bentuk Musibah.

Dalam ujian model ini, juga ada kewajiban seorang mukmin padanya yaitu bersabar. Ketika bersabar dalam keadaan ini, maka sikap yang muncul adalah upaya untuk terus mengintrospeksi dan mengoreksi diri (bertaubat) atas dosa-dosa yang ia lakukan, sehingga selain mendapatkan pahala, sikap sabar ini juga dapat menggugurkan dosa-dosanya.

Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah Shalallahu `Alayhi wa Sallam:

”Seorang muslim tidak ditimpa oleh rasa letih, penyakit, gelisah, sedih, gangguan ataupun kegundahan, hingga duri tertancap padanya melainkan Allah menebus dengannya sebagian dari kesalahan-kesalahannya. (HR.Bukhary & Muslim).

Maka dengan sikap sabar ini, ia akan semakin dekat kepada Allah dan inilah orang yang beruntung dalam ujian model ini.

Namun ada pula orang yang gagal dalam ujian model ini, yaitu ketika ditimpa musibah ia tidak mau mengoreksi dirinya (bertaubat), dan justru mengeluh dan tidak ridha dengan ketentuan Allah tersebut.

Ia merasa amalnya sudah baik semua dan dirinya bersih dari dosa, sehingga anggapannya itu menghambat dirinya dari upaya untuk taubat dan lebih dekat kepada Allah Ta`ala. Tentu sikap semacam ini tidak sesuai dengan tujuan Allah Ta`ala menurunkan musibah tersebut yaitu agar hambanya mau kembali (bertaubat) kepadaNya, sebagaimana yang Allah beritakan dalam surat Ar Ruum (41):

“Telah nampak kerusakan di darat dan di laut disebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebahagian dari (akibat) perbuatan mereka, agar mereka kembali (ke jalan yang benar).”

Maka bagi seorang mukmin, kelezatan itu bukan hanya pada kenikmatan, tetapi juga ada pada musibah. Sebab dalam kenikmatan seorang mukmin itu berpeluang beruntung (berpahala) karena “syukurnya”, dan dalam musibah seorang mukmin juga berpeluang beruntung (berpahala) karena “sabarnya”.

Oleh sebab itu Alhamdulillah, seorang mukmin itu selama ia hidup di dunia akan selalu beruntung, baik dalam keadaan suka maupun dalam keadaan duka, hingga maut memutus kehidupannya di dunia.

Wallahu A`lamu Bishshawaab.

Dec 17, 2008

A carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

Photo courtesy of gaia.com

A daughter complained to her father about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

Her father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.

The daughter sucked her teeth and impatiently waited, wondering what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he and turned off the burners. He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her he asked. "Darling, what do you see?"

"Carrots, eggs, and coffee," she replied.

He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.

She humbly asked. "What does it mean Father?"

He explained that each of them had faced the same adversity, boiling water, but each reacted differently.

The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. But after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak.

The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.

The ground coffee beans were unique however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you," he asked his daughter. "When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?"

How about you? Are you the carrot that seems hard, but with pain and adversity do you wilt and become soft and lose your strength?

Are you the egg, which starts off with a malleable heart? Were you a fluid spirit, but after a death, a divorce, or a layoff (or others!) have you become hardened and stiff. Your shell looks the same, but are you bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and heart?

Or are you like the coffee bean? The bean changes the hot water, the thing that is bringing the pain, to its peak flavor reaches 212 degrees Fahrenheit. When the water gets the hottest, it just tastes better.

If you are like the coffee bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and make things better around you.

When people talk about you, do your Praises to the Lord increase? When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest, does your worship elevate to another level?

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?

"So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith"
[surah Al' Imran; 3: 139]

"Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere" [surah Baqarah; 2: 155]

Abu Sa'id and Abu Huraira reported that they heard Allah's Messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) as saying:
Never a believer is stricken with discomfort, hardship or illness, grief or even with mental worry that his sins are not expiated for him.
[sahih al-Bukhari, Book 32, #6242]

Jazakallahu khairan: Mutmainaa

Forum Perdana Ehwal Islam 2008 - Updated

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Poster courtesy of
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Source: Calendar entry

Dec 10, 2008

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Dec 5, 2008

Puasa hari 'Arafah (9 Zulhijjah)

2. Puasa hari 'Arafah (9 Zulhijjah bersamaan 7 Dec 2008)

Disunatkan kepada orang yang tidak melakukan ibadah haji. Fadhilatnya sangat besar sebagaimana dijelaskan menerusi hadith daripada Abi Qatadah r.a. ujurnya, Rasullullah s.a.w. telah ditanya oleh sahabat mengenai puasa hari 'Arafah, sabdanya bermaksud:

"Ia menghapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu dan tahun kemudiannya." (Riwayatkan oleh Muslim dan al-Turmuzi)

Menerusi hadith daripada Abi Qatadah r.a. juga bahawa Rasullullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud:
"Puasa pada hari 'Arafah itu menghapuskan dosa dua tahun yang lalu dan tahun yang akan datanag." (Diriwayat oleh Muslim)

Rujuk: Fadhilat Puasa Wajib & Sunnat Sepanjang Tahun

Dec 4, 2008

Who Should I Please?

Photo courtesy of islamdotorg

THE teacher of a little girl studying at a public school in a Muslim country was not practicing Islam. The little girl, following the blessed example of her mother, would go to school with her Hijab on.

The Hijab, however, was something displeasing to her teacher, so she told the girl to take it off and not dare come back to school with it on the next day or she would suffer the consequences.

Home this girl went and told her mother of how the teacher did not want her to wear Hijab in school and how she did not want to upset her teacher.

Her mother calmly said, "Who do you want to please then, your teacher or Allah?"

The little girl looked her mother in the eye and said, "Allah!"

The next day, the little girl returned with her Hijab on, defiant. When the teacher saw her, she exploded in chastisement, "How dare you disobey me?"

The painful words kept coming and coming until the little girl lowered her head, sobbing.

Then she shouted back, "I don't understand who I am supposed to please – you or Him?" "Who's Him?" asked the teacher.


Her eyes widened and a chill ran through her. The teacher stopped talking. From behind her tears, the little girl said, "No, I shall please Allah and Allah alone."

That day the teacher sent a letter home to the little girl's mother with the words,

"Today your child taught me who I was and truly who is Allah. Thank you for raising such a blessed daughter."

Photo courtesy of cedarlounge

Credits: MHDS-SG

Dec 1, 2008

Twelve ways to get active in your Local Masjid :

Twelve ways to get active in your Local Masjid

There are countless ways to be and be involved in your Masjid. An active Masjid where God-fearing believers pray, teach and learn is the absolute best place to be.

1. Be a Visitor: First of all, visit your Masjid for salah (prayer) regularly at least once or twice a day. While all prayers are more virtuous in the Masjid than at home, the Fajr and Isha salah (morning and night prayer) are particularly important, according to the Sunnah (Tradition of Prophet Muhammad (SalAllahu Alayhi wasalam). Experience also shows that most people are free from other engagements at those times, and so these gatherings, especially the Isha salah, is the largest. If you are not regular at your Masjid, it may be advisable to start with daily Isha salah at the Masjid, then add Fajr, and then the next convenient salah, and so on.

2. Be a Minaret: An extremely charming and beneficial role you can play at the Masjid is to be a minaret: a minaret of the light of smiles, politeness, cordiality and concern for other visitors. This is the most important yet unassuming role one can play. Make your Masjid a beloved place for the rest of your Muslim brothers you meet there. Believe me, people sometimes would be encouraged to come to the Masjid if they know such minarets are there who will make their day, and bring happiness and friendship to their lives.

3. Be a student: The next role after becoming a regular visitor is to be a student. There must be more knowledgeable people than you in the Masjid in one or more areas of Islamic knowledge. If you are lucky, there are one or more study circles for this knowledge already. If not, start them. Then do not be shy to be a student of whoever knows something valuable.

4. Be a Teacher: Being a teacher is even more beneficial role, because now you both give and take from other people. Of course, this requires that you have sufficiently mastered the subject or area you teach or speak about.

5. Be a Follower: The congregational salah are the best spiritual and mental exercise to teach us how to follow with discipline. Even if the Imam (leader) makes a mistake, there are rules to correct him. Similarly, when it comes to organizing all other educational, social and even political efforts at the Masjid, join the efforts you see best for yourself, and be a good, thinking, positive and constructive follower of the leadership.

6. Be a Leader: If and when you learn to be a good follower and listener, you can also begin to learn how to be a good leader. All those Masjid committees, outreach groups, open houses, initiatives for major projects need good leaders. If you are fully confident that you can do a good job as a leader, do not deprive your community of your skills. But be extremely careful of selfishness, self-aggrandizement, or arrogance. Leadership is not everyone's job, and this does not have to do with piety alone. The Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi wasalam) had advised Abu Tharr, a very righteous companion, to never accept a position of leadership.

7. Be a Brother: When praying in congregation, the people praying with you are your brothers. You are with them in the company of Allah. They are beseeching Allah for the same things as you. In fact, you collectively say 'Ameen' upon completing Fatihah (the first chapter of Qur'an). If Allah accepts any ONE of them, ALL of the people praying with him are blessed and forgiven. A scholar used to say that the congregational salah is dear to him for this very reason. Praying in the company of the righteous is, therefore, an immense blessing. Would you not love those brothers whose salah coincide yours, and whose acceptance with Allah may be your acceptance?

8. Be a Helper: Masjid is the best place to remember and practice the teaching of the Qur'an:

"Help you one another in benevolence and piety, and do not help one another in sin and hostility." [5: 2]

Where else could you find more acts of righteousness and piety?

9. Be a Cleaner: Cleaning the Masjid is a great honor in the sight of Allah. The Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi wasalam) insisted to pray upon the grave of a Companion who used to clean the Masjid when he heard that the former had died.

10. Be a Donor: Donate regularly to your Masjid, even if it is little and even if you donate in many other causes. This increases your love for Allah and for the house of Allah, and decreases love of this world. There is hardly any cause you will see the result of your donation more immediately than in your Masjid.

11. Be a Listener: On Friday, we listen to Khutbahs (orations) and yet our life seems unaffected. This is so because listening and taking lessons is a skill to be learned and earned, as much as, if not more than, speaking and delivering lectures. Sometimes, a bad listener may get nothing out of a great speaker, and sometimes a good listener may benefit a lot from an unskillful speaker. So, be a good listener, for that is much more important and beneficial than being a good speaker. Your being a good speaker benefits others, while your being a good listener benefits you.

12. Be a Speaker: Last but not least, if you feel you have learned enough to share with others, and have good speaking skills, don't hesitate to benefit others from your skills. Your Masjid always needs people who are skillful and confident in public speaking. While the Friday sermons require more training and knowledge, beginning with introductory speeches about Islam to non-Muslims, and talks at the study circles may be the right places for you to start.

From Selected Speeches [khutab Mukhtaarah] Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: General Administration for Research, Ifta’, Da’wa, and guidance, 1987, p 27, 31] Reproduced here from "Speaking for Change" by Wael Alkhairo. Amana Publications, Beltsville, Maryland, 1998

Source & credits: Mutmainaa

Amalan Kerohanian Bagi Mempelajari Ilmu (files attached)

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Untuk tonton klip video: Page 1-3, Page 4, Page 5 & Page 6

Hadith (Isnin, Masjid Kassim)
Ustaz Mohamad Hasbi Hassan
27 Oct - 10 Nov 2008

Nov 5, 2008

What Foods Are Good For Your Eyesight?

What Foods Are Good For Your Eyesight?
Saturday, November 01 2008

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These foods are good for maintaining good eyesight. Weakened eyesight may be the result of improper nutrition and lack of the relevant nutrients that are related to the maintenance of the various eye components.

  • Carrots. These are rich in Vitamin A. Beta-carotene which is a precursor of Vitamin A plays an important role in numerous biochemical reactions in the body. The benefits of Vitamin A / Beta-carotene include maintenance of the surface linings in the eyes, and intestinal, urinary and respiratory tracts.

  • Cold water fish. These include sardines, mackerel, cod and tuna. These fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, and particularly DHA which plays a crucial role in the structure of cell-membranes. It is recommended for people with dry eyes, and for the preservation of sight in general.

  • The leafy greens. These include spinach and kale. These are rich in carotenoids, with lutein of particular interest. This is a pigment that protects the macula (part of the eye deep in the centre of the retina) from damage via sunlight.

  • Eggs. They are rich in sulfur, cysteine, lecithin and again, lutein. They can protect from cataract formation.

  • Garlics and onions. These are also rich in sulfur, which is required for the synthesis of glutathione which is an antioxidant for the whole body, including the eye lens. It protects the body from damage and deterioration and this applies to the eyes as well.

  • Blueberries and grapes. They contain anthocyanins which are good for night vision.

  • Nuts and seeds These contain zinc which is important for retina function. Zinc is also required to release Vitamin A from the liver which is then used by the eye.

These foods provide the nutrients to maintain good eyesight. You can also take supplements too. This would include Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, alpha-Lipoic acid, DHA (an omega-3 fatty acid), Selenium, Zinc and Magnesium.

Source: What Foods Are Good For Your Eyesight?

Oct 31, 2008

Madressa Noor for the Blind

No words can describe the joy of how the blind feel when they read the Holy Qur’ân by touch for the first time themseves, without having to hear it read by someone else.

Islam and Knowledge

To Allah belongs the kingdom of the Heavens and the Earth. He creates whatever He please [Surah Shura Ayah 49]

Our prophet Nabi Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) has said: “The seeking of Knowledge is compulsory upon every Muslim”.

This injunction includes every male, female, able and disable.

The Story of our Beginning, the Present and the Future

In South Africa, the government provides secular education through its special schools for the disabled. However, the Muslim community always felt a need for an institute that would cater specifically for their religious requirements. Parents were particularly anxious about their children’s Islamic education. The Holy Qur’ân was available in Braille, but there was no teacher and special Madrassa for the blind. The best any parent could hope for was for their child to attend the conventional Madrassa.

Due to large classes and time constraints at normal Madrassas, it was not possible for a disabled child to get special attention. A disabled child requires special attention and needs help to travel the extra mile.

Some members of our community were not positive to this reality. Since the learners were few in number, they felt that it would be very expensive to run a special Madrassa for the disabled and the money could be productively utilized elsewhere.

However, some dedicated parents and a Sheikh took up the challenge. He began by learning Braille from a Blind Muallima and soon thereafter Madrassa An-Noor for the blind was established in 1986. Parents relocated and settled in Pietermaritzburg for their children’s education.

The Madrassa started with one student who began learning the “Qaaida” or primer. A few others joined. Our first Madrassa was a garage which had a carpeted floor and a few small desks to put the Qur’âns on. In about a years time, the first three students completed their Qur’ân. They read the Qur’ân’ with their fingers (Naazara).

The Sheikh would then use the (Perkins) Braille typewriter to transcribe the students lessons into Braille. Soon thereafter, a few students started Hifz ul Qur’ân. We then shifted to bigger premises.

At most libraries for the blind around the world, very little Islamic literature in the English language is to be found. Nowadays, the Blind use Braille, audio recordings and computers for their information. With the advance of technology, screen reading software programs like “Jaws” and “Ibsaar” are widely used.

At Madrassa An-Noor for the Blind, we built our own recording studio and began producing “Talking Books”. We also established a Braille printing press. Our embossing machines print Islamic books in Braille. The cost of printing a braille book is much higher than printing normal books. Presently, most of our literature comprises of text books. We print and stock most books published by the Ulama bodies of our country.

After some time, one of our Hifz students expressed her desire to become an Aalima. We contacted normal Darul Ulooms for girls but they could not provide for her special needs. Coincidently, a mother from Thailand contacted us expressing her blind sons desire to become an Aalim. That being the impetus, we initiated the Aalim course at our Madrassa and transformed into a Darul Uloom or Centre of Higher Education. This was a new journey for us. Our teachers and students had to braille every text book. Our first Ulema also studied the Qiraat Saba Ashara course. In 2004, our first Aalim and Aalima graduated. We have on soft copy most Kitaabs of the Aalim course including the Sahih Al Bukhârî, Alhamdulillah.

On many occasions, we were approached by persons from other parts of the world for assistance in starting a Madrassa for the blind in their countries also. Their experiences and challenges were similar to ours.

The first problem was that they had no trained teachers. Another difficulty was that it would be impractical for a young blind girl from England to travel and study in South Africa. We could never replace a mothers’ care and love and compensate for a family’s support.

To overcome this problem, we embarked on an Outreach program organizing Qur’ânic Braille workshops in different parts of the world. Workshops were held in India, Mauritius, England, Scotland, Bangladesh, Mozambique and locally in South Africa and there is need for more workshops.

The purpose of these workshops was to train Ulemâ and Qur’ân teachers and empower them so that the blind benefit directly.

We help establish Maktab / Madrassas by supplying the necessary books, literature, training and support from our resource centre. With the grace of Almighty Allah, a few Maktab / Madrassas overseas have already been established and are helping the blind in their communities.

Recently, there has been an increase in students to study at our centre. Due to space constraints at our present premises, we have acquired a farm at Cedara which is about 17 kilometres out of Pietermaritzburg. This will be the new home of our institute. Inshallah. Our teachers will live on campus and we will offer sports and other important living skills also. Inshallah. We request you to make Duaa for our success and that Allah Ta’ala accepts our efforts and forgives us our shortcomings. Ameen.

May Allah Ta’ala grant all our supporters Jannah and His forgiveness. Aameen.

Muhammad Islah (blind) Recites Ar-Rahman

Sep 22, 2008

Allah, Janglah Engkau Biarkan Kami Sebarang Dosa Kecuali Engkau Ampunkan

Allahumma Laa tada' lanaa dzanban illa Ghafarta,

Wa Laa Hamman illa Far-raj-ta,

wa Laa Dai-nan illa Qadhayta,

Wa Laa HaaJaTaN min Hawaa'ijid

Dunya wal Aakhira illa Qadhaytaha

Ya Arhamar Raahimeen.

Ya Allah, Ya Tuhan kami! Jangan Engkau biarkan kami sebarang dosa melainkan Engkau Mengampunkannya,

Tiada seberang kebuntuan melainkan Engkau Melapangkannya,

Tidak juga hutang piutang melainkan Engkau (berikan jalan untuk) Menyelesaikannya

Dan tidak juga sebarang hajat dunia mahupun akhirat melainkan Engkau Menyempurnakannya,

Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang di antara yang penyayang.


Tuntunan Nabi SAW dalam Menghidupkan Malam Lailatul Qadar

Barangsiapa yang terhalang dari beribadah pada malam lailatul qadar, sungguh ia telah terhalang dari kebaikan seluruhnya, dan tidaklah terhalang dari kebaikan malam itu kecuali orang yang terhalang dari kebaikan. Oleh karenanya, setiap muslim sangat dianjurkan untuk menghidupkan malam lailatul qadar dengan penuh iman dan mengharapkan pahalayang dijanjikan. Sehingga, apabila ia ikhlas melaksanakannya, dosa dan kesalahan yang pernah ia goreskan dimasa lalu terampuni.

Dibawah ini beberapa tuntunan Nabi shallahu’alaihi wa sallam dalam menghidupkan malam lailatul qadar.

Bersungguh-sungguh, optimis, dan antusias di dalam mencari lailatul qadar.

Aisyah radliyallahu’anha pernah berkata: Rasulullah shallahu’alaihi wa sallam dahulu begitu semangat (beribadah) pada sepuluh hari terakhir yang tidak pernah beliau melakukannya pada hari selainnya. (HR. Muslim). Namun itu tidak berarti, bahwa Nabi shallahu’alahi wa sallam mengerjakan qiyamullail semalam suntuk hingga pagi. Karena Nabi shallahu’alahi wa sallam juga pernah mengatakan bahwa shalat malam yang paling dicintai dan disukai adalah shalat malam Nabi Dawud, ia tidur pada pertengahan malam, lalu bangun mengerjakan qiyanullail pada sepertiga malam, dan melanjutkan tidurnya kembali pada seperenam malam. (HR Muslim)

Menghidupkan malam dengan qiyamullail

Sebagaimana sabda Rasulullah shallahu’alaihi wa sallam

”Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan qiyamullail pada malam lailatul qadar karena iman dan mengharap pahala, niscaya akan diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu.” (Muttafaq’alaihi)

Memperbanyak Do’a

Berdo’a dan memperbanyak doa pada malam lailatul qadar sangat dianjurkan. Terutama dengan doa yang diajarkan Nabi shallahu’alaihi wa sallam kepada Aisyah radliyallahu’anha. Aisyah pernah bertanya kepada Rasulullah shallahu’alaihi wa sallam: Wahai Rasulullah, bagaimana menurutmu, apabila ada suatu malam yang aku yakini sebagai malam lailatul qadar, apa yang aku ucapkan? Beliau shallahu’alaihi wa sallam menjawab:

قُولِي :اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوّ ٌُ تُحِبُّ الْعفْوَ،فاَعْفُ عَنِّي

Ucapkanlah doa: Ya Allah, sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Pengampun, suka memberi ampunan, maka itu ampunilah aku. (Hadist shahih, HR.Ahmad, at-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Majah)

Sudah sepatutnya, pada malam lailatul qadar doa dan istighfar diperbanyak, sebab doa pada malam itu mustajab. Doa tersebut adalah doa paling afdhol yang dipanjatkan untuk memohon (sesuatu) kepada Allah ta’ala. Tidak diragukan lagi, doa tersebut adalah seutama-utama doa yang dipanjatkan seorang hamba kepada Rabb-nya pada malam itu. Yang mana doa itu mengandung permohonan maaf kepada Allah azza wa jalla.

Menghidupkan lailatul qadar dengan ibadah dan mengajak keluarga untuk ikut beribadah

Aisyah radliyallahu’anha pernah berkata: Adalah Nabi shallahu’alaihi wa sallam apabila memasuki sepuluh malam terakhir beliau mengencangkan tali sarungnya, menghidupkan malamnya dan membangunkan keluarganya. (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)

Hadist tersebut mengandung dalil diisyaratkannya konsisten mengerjakan qiyamullail pada sepuluh hari terakhir bulan Ramadhan, menghidupkannya dengan ibadah, menjauhi istri, dan memperanyak keluarga untuk memperbanyak ketaatan.

Semoga Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala mempertemukan kita dengan malam lailatul qadar dalam naungan iman dan taqwa serta ittiba’ sunnah Rasulullah shallahu’alaihi wa sallam.


Majalah Adz-Dzakiroh edisi khusus Ramadhan-Syawal 1429 Hal. 29-30

Sumber & Kredit: Ummu Vanessa

Foto ihsan: Ramadan Kareem

Sama je Ramadan?

Foto ihsan pbase.com

Seorang penjual ubat akar kayu warga emas kelihatan ceria dan wajah berseri bersih, seola-olah baru pulang dari mengerja haji. Bibirnya kumat kumit membaca sesuatu sambil tangannya meracit akar kayu yang sudah kering untuk dijadikan ubat. Walaupun premisnya cuma di kaki lima, namun dia bersyukur kerana dapat mencari rezeki halal untuk menyara dirinya.

Tiga orang lelaki berpakaian kemas tiba-tiba menuju ke tempat orang tua itu untuk mencari ubat dari jenis herba yang banyak disusun di hadapannya.

Sambil memilih bungkusan kecil yang mengandungi akar kayu, tiba-tiba tergetus hati salah seorang dari mereka untuk bertanya kenapa puasa Ramadan yang dikerjakan setiap tahun semacam tidak mendatangkan apa-apa perubahan kepada dirinya, seolah-olah ibadat puasa seperti adat sahaja.

Foto ihsan Flikr

Sambil merenung ke dalam wajah pemuda itu, orang tua yang berpakaian selekeh itu tersenyum kecil lalu menjawab:

1. Ramadan sepatutnya disambut oleh umat Islam dengan perasaan gembira kerana ia membawa 1001 keberkatan dan fadilat yang tidak terdapat pada bulan lain, tetapi kamu menerima kedatangannya seperti menerima kehadiran tamu yang tidak diundang kerana terbayang berbagai kesukaran yang bakal kamu tempuhi untuk memenuhi nafsu kamu.

2. Kamu menyambut Ramadan kononnya, tapi fokus utama kamu ialah hari raya.

3. Umat Islam tahu Ramadan bulan penuh keberkatan, tapi terlalu jarang yang sudi merebutnya kerana tidak terasa terpanggil untuk mendapatkannya.

4. Ramadan mendidik seseorang supaya bersimpati terhadap golongan miskin. Tapi kamu langsung tidak mempedulikan kesusahan mereka. Malah kamu melihat mereka seperti sampah di tepi jalan.

5. Kamu berpuasa sehari suntuk tanpa meyentuh makanan. Tapi semasa berbuka kamu menyendatkan perut kamu yang kosong itu dengan anika jenis makanan dan minuman yang jarang kamu hidangkan pada bulan-bulan lain. Ibadat puasa bertukar menjadi pesta mengisi perut untuk memenuhi nafsu makan kamu yang haloba.

6. Mengimarahkan masjid dengan pengisian solat terawih dan lain-lain ibadat sunat adalah besar fadilatnya, tapi kamu menghabiskan waktu di pasar Ramadan dan gedung membeli belah sehingga larut malam.

7. Sejak awal pagi kamu sibuk dengan aktiviti perniagaan dan ianya berterusan hingga ke malam tanpa sempat mengisi dengan aktiviti ibadat. Akhirnya tanpa disedari, Ramadan sampai di penghujung sedangkan kamu masih tamak mengejar keuntungan perniagaan yang hanya dapat diraih dalam bulan Ramadan sahaja.

8. Ramadan mendidik jiwa supaya tidak boros dan membazir, tetapi kamu berbelanja berlipat kali ganda berbanding dengan bulan-bulan lain, bermula dari perbelanjaan untuk menyedia makanan yang lazat sewaktu berbuka dan bersahur hinggalah kepada persiapan untuk menyambut hari raya.

9. Tujuan syarak mewajibkan berpuasa adalah supaya kamu berkungsi pengalaman perit tanpa makan dengan mereka yang hidup melarat akibat kemiskinan atau ditimpa bencana, tapi perasaan tersebut langsung tidak meresap ke dalam jiwa kamu. Sebaliknya sikap tamak dan bakhil kamu terus menebal sehingga menganggap mereka yang datang meminta sedikit pertolongan dan sumbangan kepada kamu, sebagai menyusahkan kamu. Jika pun kamu menghulur sumbangan, pemberian kamu adalah dengan berat hati dan menunjukkan muka yang masam tanda tidak ihklas.

10. Kamu mengadakan majlis berbuka puasa di rumah atau di hotel lima bintang dengan juadah yang mewah dan mahal. Tamu undangan kamu terdiri dari rakan bertaraf orang kenamaan dan kaya, sedang jiran kamu yang daif dan miskin tidak termasuk dalam senarai undangan. Kamu sebenarnya melakukan ibadat tersebut dalam keadaan riya’.

11. Kamu mengunjungi masjid untuk menunaikan solat terawih berjamaah sebagai menunaikan kegiatan qiyamullail di bulan Ramadan, namun dalam hati sering merungut bacaan imam yang panjang kerana tidak mahu menghabiskan masa yang panjang di masjid rumah Allah.

12. Ramadan melatih kamu supaya bersabar, tetapi semasa memandu, tindak tanduk kamu ternyata hilang sabar. Tangan kamu menekan horn memanjang tanda marah apabila kenderaan lain mengganggu kelancaran kenderaan kamu sambil mulut menyumpah-nyumpah.

Setelah selesai menjawab, orang tua itu meminta maaf jika jawapannya itu menyinggung perasaan tiga lelaki tersebut. Tanpa membeli ubat, mereka terus beredar kerana pil pahit yang diberi percuma oleh penjual ubat itu sudah cukup untuk merawat ibadat puasanya yang sekian lama terjejas.

Foto ihsan pbase.com

Sumber: Kenapa Gagal Menghayati Ramadhan

Sep 17, 2008

A Brother Like That

Shuaib received an automobile from his brother as a Eid present. On Eid day when Shuaib came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car, Uncle?" he asked. Shuaib nodded. "My brother gave it to me for Eid." The boy was astounded.

"You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you nothing? Boy, I wish..." He hesitated. Of course Shuaib knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarred Shuaib all the way down to his heels. "I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that." Shuaib looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?" "Oh yes, I'd love that."

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said, "Uncle, would you mind driving in front of my house?" Shuaib smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Shuaib was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Shuaib heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.

"There she is, uncle, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Eid and it didn't cost him a penny. And some day I'm gonna give you one just like it...then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Shop windows that I've been trying to tell you about."

Shuaib got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Eid, Shuaib learned what the RasulAllah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) meant when he had said: "love for your brother what you love for yourself".

Credits: Mutmainaa

Shaitan called a world-wide Convention

Photo courtesy of fusion-lifestyle

Shaitan called a world-wide Convention

Author Unknown

Shaytan called a worldwide convention.

In his opening address to his evil Jinns, he said, "We can't keep the Believers from going to Masjids. We can't keep them from reading their Qur`an and knowing the truth. We can't even keep them from forming an intimate, abiding relationship experience with Allah".

Once they gain that connection with Allah, our power over them is broken. So let them go to their Masjids; let them have their conservative lifestyles, but steal their time, so they can't gain that relationship with Allah.

This is what I want you to do Jinns. Distract them from gaining hold of their Lord and maintaining that vital connection throughout their day! "How shall we do this?" shouted his Jinns. "Keep them busy in the nonessentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. "Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow. Persuade the wives to go to work for long hours and the husbands to work 6-7days each week, 10-12 hours a day, so they can afford their empty lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their family fragments, soon, their home will offer no escape from the pressures of work!"

"Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice. Entice them to play the radio or cassette player whenever they drive, to keep the TV, VCR, CDs and their PCs going constantly in their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-Qur`anic recitation constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Allah."

"Fill the coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day. Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogs, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes. Keep skinny, beautiful models on the magazines so their husbands will believe that external beauty is what's important, and they'll become dissatisfied with their wives. That will fragment those families quickly!"

"Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted, disquieted, and unprepared for the coming week. Don't let them go out in nature to reflect on Allah's wonders. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts and movies instead. Keep them busy, busy, and busy! And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotions. Go ahead, let them be involved in soul winning; but crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from Allah."

"Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause. It will work! It will work!" It was quite a convention. The evil Jinns went eagerly to their assignments causing Believers everywhere to get busier and more rushed, going here and there. I guess the question is; has the devil been successful at his scheme?

Credit: Mutmainaa

Sep 16, 2008

Your Prayer

Your Prayer

Author Unknown

He remembered his grandmother’s warning about praying on time:

"My son, you shouldn’t leave prayer to this late time".

His grandmother’s age was 70 but whenever she heard the Adhan, she got up like an arrow and performed Salah. He, however could never win over his ego to get up and pray. Whatever he did, his Salah was always the last to be offered and he prayed it quickly to get it in on time.

Thinking of this, he got up and realized that there were only 15 minutes left before Salat-al Isha. He quickly made Wudhu and performed Salat-al Maghrib. While making Tasbih, he again remembered his grandmother and was embarrassed by how he had prayed. His grandmother prayed with such tranquility and peace. He began making Dua and went down to make Sajdah and stayed like that for a while. He had been at school all day and was tired, so tired….

He awoke abruptly to the sound of noise and shouting. He was sweating profusely. He looked around. It was very crowded. Every direction he looked in was filled with people. Some stood frozen looking around, some were running left and right and some were on their knees with their heads in their hands just waiting. Pure fear and apprehension filled him as he realized where he was. His heart was about to burst.

It was the Day of Judgement.

When he was alive, he had heard many things about the questioning on the Day of Judgement, but that seemed so long ago.

Could this be something his mind made up? No, the wait and the fear were so great that he could not have imagined this. The interrogation was still going on. He began moving frantically from people to people to ask if his name had been called. No one could answer him.

All of a sudden his name was called and the crowd split into two and made a passageway for him. Two people grabbed his arms and led him forward. He walked with unknowing eyes through the crowd. The angels brought him to the center and left him there. His head was bent down and his whole life was passing in front of his eyes like a movie.

He opened his eyes but saw only another world. The people were all helping others. He saw his father running from one lecture to the other, spending his wealth in the way of Islam. His mother invited guests to their house and one table was being set while the other was being cleared. He pleaded his case, "I too was always on this path. I helped others. I spread the word of Allah. I performed my Salah. I fasted in the month of Ramadan. Whatever Allah ordered us to do, I did. Whatever he ordered us not to do, I did not." He began to cry and think about how much he loved Allah.

He knew that whatever he had done in life would be less than what Allah deserved and his only protector was Allah. He was sweating like never before and was shaking all over. His eyes were fixed on the scale, waiting for the final decision.

At last, the decision was made. The two angels with sheets of paper in their hands, turned to the crowd. His legs felt like they were going to collapse. He closed his eyes as they began to read the names of those people who were to enter Jahannam. His name was read first. He fell on his knees and yelled that this couldn’t be, "How could I go to Jahannam? I served others all my life, I spread the word of Allah to others".

His eyes had become blurry and he was shaking with sweat. The two angels took him by the arms. As his feet dragged, they went through the crowd and advanced toward the blazing flames of Jahannam. He was yelling and wondered if there was any person who was going to help him. He was yelling of all the good deeds he had done, how he had helped his father, his fasts, prayers, the Qur’an that he read, he was asking if none of them would help him. The Jahannam angels continued to drag him. They had gotten closer to the Hellfire. He looked back and these were his last pleas.

Had not Rasulullah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, "How clean would a person be who bathes in a river five times a day, so too does the Salah performed five times cleanse someone of their sins"? He began yelling, "My prayers…my prayers…my prayers." The two angels did not stop, and they came to the edge of the abyss of Jahannam.

The flames of the fire were burning his face. He looked back one last time, but his eyes were dry of hope and he had nothing left in him. One of the angels pushed him in.

He found himself in the air and falling towards the flames. He had just fallen five or six feet when a hand grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back. He lifted his head and saw an old man with a long white beard. He wiped some dust off himself and asked him, "Who are you?" The old man replied, "I am your prayers". "Why are you so late! I was almost in the Fire! You rescued me at the last minute before I fell in". The old man smiled and shook his head, "You always performed me at the last minute, did you forget?"

At that instant, he blinked and lifted his head from Sajdah. He was in a sweat. He listened to the voices coming from outside. He heard the adhan for Salat-ul Isha. He got up quickly and went to perform Wudhu.

Credits: Mutmainaa